Monday, 17 September 2007

new laws against discrimination

It is worrying the number of laws, mostly about discriminating against homosexuals/transsexuals, that will put the Catholic Church in a very difficult position in the UK. The UK is becoming increasingly secularized, despite Messrs Brown and Blair's Christian faith. It's time to stand up and be counted, and rouse Catholics across the country. It will be terrible for the country is this is allowed.

Monday, 3 September 2007

Too much to do!

After having not too much to do for a while, now feel swamped! I have a lot of material for the forthcoming RCIA to review, I'm meant to be doing some research for a mock trial, I have to get together something for Lectio Divina on Wed, the in-laws are here and I have to empty the cat litter trays! Emptying the poo trays is beginning to sound the most attractive task....
I was also meant to be going to an Opus Dei circle meeting tomorrow night, but have sent my apologies - one little man can only do so much.
My wife got through her little op today OK, and it looks like the source of the problem has been found and eliminated - praise God!