Wednesday, 15 August 2007

"Pro-life" movement

One branch of Catholic activism I take issue with is the "pro-life" movement. People who identify themselves as "pro-life" often take stances that I regard as anything but "pro-life". They would deny people the chance of preventing the transmission of deadly viruses, they would deny a mother the chance of life and having more children. I am pro-life in the real sense of the word, but I would not want to assoicate myself with the "pro-life" movement.

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Sources of encouragement

There have been lots of people who have encouraged me. My late mother although Pentecostal was just glad I was going to church. Fr James has been there to answer my questions, as well as the other senior Catholics at the RCIA. I have had some great cyberpals, esp Jay from Phoenix who sent me a great book and DVD about a Pentecostal preacher converting to Catholicism called "No Price Too High" - it really helped me on my journey.

How I came to the Catholic Church

I was brought up (in the sense of reared, not vomited) Pentecostal by my mum, who was a very devout women. I attended Pentecostal churches faifthfully throughout my youth and my time at medical school, but during my last year at medical school and my first year as a doctor (houseman year) I started drifting away - I was seeing things that clearly weren't of God or even rationality - an epileptic lady being "exorcised" for being confused post-ictally, and the pressure of my workload told also.
I continued to go to other Charismatic churches intermittently, namely the Church of God of Prophecy where I stood out like a white person amongst 99% black people! Even this tailed off.
My wife and I decided to get married, and at that stage the only church we attended was Catholic mass sometimes. The curate was a lovely local man with Polish roots, Fr Stefan. He went through the Catholic faith preparing me for our full nuptials. He got special dispensation for me to have Communion, and from then on the seed was sown. It took 8 years and many trials to bring me to joining the Church tho. I had to be humbled before I really came back to God.
I have really benefitted from the guidance of our current curate. At one stage I got very discouraged because of things I was being told by people on certain Catholic websites. I really worry about people who do not speak out of love - how many people are turned off by what are fanatics?
I am active in the church at the moment, running a Bible Study/Lectio Divina group.